Wednesday, June 30, 2010

McCain 2010 Campaign Update

This has been a busy week in Washington, D.C. and Arizona, and Senator McCain has been right in the middle of the fight. From immigration reform to fighting for victory in Afghanistan, Senator McCain continues to articulate effective solutions for addressing the challenges facing Arizona and our Nation.

In these tumultuous times, now more than ever Arizona needs Senator McCain's strong leadership in Washington.

His message of fiscal conservatism and strong leadership on foreign policy cannot be matched by any other candidate in Arizona.

In case you missed it, Senator McCain was a guest on Meet The Press this weekend. He talked with host David Gregory about the war in Afghanistan, immigration reform and the nomination of Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court.You can see the full interview here:

Additionally, just this morning, General David Petraeus testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee about the Administration's plan in Afghanistan.

Senator McCain said clearly and emphatically at the hearing that:
“None of this is to say that we are failing, or that we will fail, in Afghanistan. It just means that we need to give our strategy the necessary time to succeed. We cannot afford to have a ‘stay the course’ approach to starting our withdrawal in July 2011 when
the facts on the ground are suggesting that we need more time. This is all the more essential now with General Petraeus assuming command, pending his confirmation. He has proved that he can win wars, and we need to give him every opportunity and remove every obstacle to win in Afghanistan.”

Senator McCain's opening statement at the hearing can be read here.

The campaign is making great progress and as always, thank you for your support. When you have a few minutes please come down to Campaign HQ and join us to volunteer for phone banks and neighborhood walks.

Early voting is only 30 days away and every vote counts!


Mark Buse

Campaign Manager, McCain 2010

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