Tuesday, June 01, 2010

J.D. Hayworth Is Called Out On His Own Immigration Flip-Flop

Sunday morning, Meet the Press host David Gregory noted that guest and Arizona senatorial candidate J.D. Hayworth was once a supporter of a path to citizenship and guest worker program.

Given that Hayworth has framed his campaign around attacking opponent Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for flip-flopping from a pro-immigration reform stance to a restrictionist border hawk, Gregory asked Hayworth to define what really makes him any different. Hayworth attributed his change of heart to 9/11:

GREGORY: Going back to 2001, you actually believed in a guest worker program. You believed in a path towards citizenship which you now call amnesty. Sen. McCain was a champion of comprehensive reform with Sen. Kennedy. Back during the Bush administration. [...] How does your position really differ from him?

HAYWORTH: Well it differs profoundly because what happened on 9/11 helped the scales fall from my eyes. I understand that national security is border security. And I understand that we must enforce the laws.

Watch it:


Hayworth claims 9/11 was an eye-opener for him on immigration, but conservative guru Linda Chavez has a different take. “Hayworth, a six-term congressman, once favored a guest worker program but flip-flopped when he sensed bashing immigrants was a surer ticket to re-election,” wrote Chavez.

According to Chavez, the strategy failed miserably for Hayworth, who “lost handily” to a more moderate candidate in 2006.


Unknown said...

Oh JD you were actually doing well on this one till you got caught on this. Now your a flip flopper like you so label anyone else who changes there mind.
I really hate the term flip flop it's dangerous that our politcal figures cannot change their mind or fear being lynched.

Anonymous said...

Nice work Gregory expose this fraud for who he is. A political opportunist jumping from polarizing topic to polarizing topic. SHOCK JOCKS DON'T MAKE GREAT LEADERS!

Unknown said...

LOL when I was watching this. JD just keeps killing himself. Why would McCain ever debate this guy?

Adriana said...

Wow, really? You guys are really okay with McCain proposing indefinite detention without trial for U.S. citizens, McCain Feingold his vote for Cap & Trade and it just goes on and on. I guess the most recent stance has been with the border issue. You know, where he wants to send & humiliate our National Guard once again by sending them unarmed and with his so called 'rules of engagement' like last time. That's right, I'll pass on this one! But thanks for the entertainment! Read the CONSTITUTION since he hasn't!

JennsR said...

Great, Great article! I am so tired of JD spouting off his ignorant, unintelligent rambles of a jaded history, it is about time for those in doubt to get a clue, JD is a failure to Congress, a failure to Arizona and by no means qualified for a position in Congress.