Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The release yesterday by the McCain campaign of the hilarious video "Second J.D. Hayworth Infomercial Unearthed!" has the Hayworth Knee Padders going bonkers!

All over the Internet yesterday, TEAM DESPERADO was out 'trying' to answer that video. Funny how J.D's OWN WORDS & ACTIONS come back to haunt him!

First, Hayworth's 'Social Media Guru' says
WE got the National Review to endorse McCain! WOW I didn't know we had that much influence...LMAO!

Next, Hayworth's Field Director, Shane Wikfors (who also runs the Sonoran Alliance -Paid for By J.D. Hayworth Blog) went on a tirade after the release of the video. Posting really old video on McCain (at least 4 articles worth) then going on Twitter to say this:

SWIKFORS: "That (video) wasn't unearthed! It was crapped out of Sen. John McCain's Ass!

Mr. Wikfors then posted this on the McCain YouTube Channel:

Sonoranalliance: "That video wasn't unearthed! It was pulled out of John McCain's Ass!

Then he posted this on his own blog (and later DELETED IT):


June 29, 2010 @ 1:23pm

Incidentally David,

Where the "F" was John McCain when we were trying to stop Obama?

If he hadn't played the pussy and thrown the election he might have been President!

Click on the Photo above to see larger

Just when you think you have seen it all? The total collapse of J.D. Hayworth and those that surround him is imminent! These people have become the same bully that JD is known for being.

The horrible behavior by the Hayworth supporters at the recent LD-6 meeting is proof of just how desperate the Hayworth campaign has gotten. Many are saying that Jim Deakin might just come in 2nd place, beating J.D. Hayworth. Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

I have some words for these HKP's. Listen closely to the lyrics of this song by the "King":




Tony GOPrano said...

Boy we must have struck a 'nerve' with this post. Shane 'Holier Than Thou' Wikfors is going crazy! (That's a short trip)

The Truth really hurts huh Shane?

ALL the pundits I speak to tell me the same thing: The Hayworth campaign is DONE! Hope you have another job lined up Shane?

Grave Digger said...

Are you scared?

Since he's a "Master Gardener" maybe you'll end up w/ dead daisies wrapped in butcher paper on your front porch.

Shane really needs to lock-down a job now. $265 a week unemployment won't go to far when you're trying to feed a family, pay the mortgage and pay the summer electric rates.

Anonymous said...

OMG you people make me sick. You poor schmucks can't admit that it's time for OLD MAN McCAIN TO GO. It's about this time every election cycle Mcliberal suddenly spouts conservative views. McCain Fiengold anyone? Amnesty for everyone? He and Fiengold sure thought so. He didn't give a crap about our border for 20 years and now he calls for 6000 troops? Give me a break. All he has left is this horrible negative campaign that he's running and he should be embarrassed. He's overextended his stay as a public servant and it is time for him to retire and enjoy his sunset years.

Tony GOPrano said...

OMG Anon YOU & the miserable supporters for JD Huckster make ME sick!

You & your ilk are a morbid group of people. You trash a great man like John McCain & make a 'hero' out of a slug like Hayworth.

Can hardly wait till August 24th wehn AZ flushes JD Hayworth right where he belongs!

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of JD making the entire GOP party look dysfunctional. JD Hayworth will pick and prod as much as he can at McCain but the problem is, he has issues that run so deep and so very unethical, no matter how hard he tries, he will always fall short of Congressional material.