Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Impeach the Stonewalling Obama

Impeach the stonewalling Obama

By Joseph Farah, WND

I can think of many reasons to impeach Barack Obama. Of course, this House of Representatives is never going to do that between now and January, when many of the members will be leaving office, most of them against their wishes. But it's actually time to start calling for impeachment.

There are dozens of crimes and misdemeanors to consider, with the dozens of brazen extra-constitutional actions of this White House – from health care to auto-company takeovers to bank bailouts. And, of course, there is the ever-present controversy over his total failure even to prove his constitutional eligibility for office. But Obama's stonewalling over the allegations of Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa., is the most Nixonian reason of all.

Now the shoe is clearly on the other foot. While Democrats were prepared to frog-march Richard Nixon out of the White House in the 1970s because of his refusal to allow an independent counsel to investigate Watergate, today's Democrats expect the American people to take the administration's word that Sestak, one of their own, is lying when he said he was offered a bribe to bow out of the U.S. Senate race against Sen. Arlen Specter.

Late last week, the White House finally released its explanation of the job offer. The claim is that Rahm Emanuel sent Bill Clinton to meet with Sestak to offer an unpaid advisory position – not the "high-ranking position" Sestak had claimed.

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