Thursday, June 17, 2010

Governor Brewer Decries Latest Federal Border Failure, Establishes Web Site to Accept Legal Defense Fund Donations

Thousands of Acres in Arizona Deemed by Feds as Unsafe for Visitors

PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer today condemned the federal government’s continued failure to secure our international border and announced the unveiling of, a website created to collect contributions for those wishing to donate to the Governor’s Border Security and Immigration Legal Defense Fund, originally established by Executive Order on May 26, 2010.

“It appears from recent media reports that some federal agencies are warning U.S. citizens to avoid potential illegal immigration danger from visits to federal public lands in Arizona,” said Governor Brewer. “How much more evidence of the border security crisis is necessary for the federal government to act on my border security proposals? Important natural recreational destinations in Arizona have been determined by federal authorities as dangerous. This will not be resolved until our international border is secured in a sustainable fashion by the federal government. Signs do not protect our border. Let’s protect Americans, not just warn them.”

Signs erected, both new and old, by the federal government in southern Arizona verify Governor Brewer’s border security crisis concerns – concerns that she has been warning the federal government of since her first weeks in office. The signs state, in part, “DANGER – PUBLIC WARNING…TRAVEL NOT RECOMMENDED”.

On May 25, 2010, Governor Brewer announced the hiring of outside legal counsel to defend SB 1070 as well as mechanisms to pay for the legal defense of the lawsuits. Senate Bill 1070 authorizes the Governor to “direct counsel other than the attorney general to appear on behalf of this state to defend any challenge” relating to Senate Bill 1070.

“It’s amazing to see just how many folks across the country are supportive of Arizona’s passage and signing of SB 1070,” said Governor Brewer. “The pouring in of hundreds of unsolicited donations since the end of April, speaks volumes about how important securing our border is to citizens across America. Arizona is showing that it is not afraid to stand up and uphold the law in absence of the federal government fulfilling its obligation.”

As of June 10, a total of 437 supporters of the law have donated nearly $20,000 to the state. Donations have come from 46 states, plus the District of Columbia.

To donate to the Arizona’s border legal defense fund, please go to and click on “Make a Donation,” to complete an application.

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