Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Blessed with Wealth to Buy the Gov's Race?

Blessed with Wealth to Buy the Gov’s Race?

As a Gubernatorial challenger and Brewer critic, Millionaire Buz Mills has now jumped into the Clean Elections Supreme Court fray.

Click here to read his amicus brief.

On Page 3 you will find that the Mills campaign admits, “Blessed with wealth, Mr. Mills has largely self-financed his Campaign.”

What is missing from his brief is the questionable nature in which Mr. Mills made his millions.

After sending his partner on vacation while he negotiated the sale of their company, Buz Mills was found guilty of defrauding his partner and ordered to pay out $4.8 million.

Mills then challenged the decision and they settled it out of court. While blessed with wealth, Buz Mills has not blessed anyone in Arizona with a real explanation of his fraud conviction.

Now, Millionaire Mills is trying to buy the Governor’s office by attacking everyone in sight, spending his millions to pave over the “mistakes” he makes along the way. For example, claiming “It’s time to hire a real man” and flip-flopping on whether he supports or opposes Arizona's employer sanctions law that deters illegal immigration.

Meanwhile, Governor Brewer continues to get the job done for Arizona. She has reduced spending more than any Governor in state history, protected education, and continues to fight Washington over our broken borders.

She has been “blessed” with nearly 6,000 donors to her campaign and endorsements from across the state.

The only donor Mills has to his campaign is himself. Arizona’s Governor’s office cannot be bought by a millionaire. Stand with Governor Brewer.

1 comment:

AZDad said...

He has not been blessed with Character it would seem, unless "shady" is a trait you can call a blessing. Jan Brewer has really stood up for the majority. Many Gov's, in the past, have only stood for the special interests.

Governor Brewer, has been blessed with character, as well as the kind of tenacity and courage that will pull Arizona out of the muck,former Governor Napolitano put it in.

I hope she re-visits the Arizona 9/11 Memorial issue and removes the text that blames America for the attack and made the families of the victims ill, just to read it.