Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Arizona Police Association Endorses Governor Janice "Jan" K. Brewer in Republican Primary

The Arizona Police Association, an association that represents 18 individual police, detention, correction and border patrol associations and which counts approximately 9000 individual members from across the great state of Arizona is announcing our endorsement of Governor Janice K. Brewer for election to the position of Arizona Governor in the upcoming Republican primary.

The Association, in endorsing Governor Brewer, recognizes her leadership during the most difficult of economic times, her strength of conviction on urgent and pressing matters facing the state, her steadfast determination to enforce the rule of law, and her unwavering support of the law enforcement officers in this state.

“A true political leader is judged not by their party affiliation but by their commitment to the constituency they serve. In this case, the constituency I speak of is the citizens of Arizona. Governor Brewer has proven herself to be unyielding to special interest groups, steadfast in her commitment to balance the state’s budget and rock solid when it came to defending Arizona against the merciless and unwarranted attacks against the good name and reputation of this state,” says Executive Director Brian Livingston.

The Arizona Police Association congratulates Governor Brewer on receiving this endorsement and urges its mem-bership to do all they can to support her candidacy in the upcoming Republican Primary.

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