Saturday, May 01, 2010

Your Weekly GOP Trunk - April 30

Issue 17; April 30, 2010

Welcome to The Weekly Trunk – The Republican National Committee’s weekly email update on all the latest news and political happenings. The goal of The Weekly Trunk is to inform and arm you with the facts you need to spread our conservative message and refute the misstatements of the Democrats.

This week’s issue features…

Repeal and Replace

A new Rassmussen poll shows that Americans favor repealing ObamaCare 56% to 40%. (Jeffery H. Anderson, “Sweet Sixteen,” The Weekly Standard, 4/27/2010)

Irregular Regulation?

In the end, President Obama’s financial regulation reform will result in fewer loans, higher rates, and more risk. (Editorial, “Obama’s regulatory disaster,” The Washington Times, 4/28/2010)

Smaller Sanctions

Representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA), Dan Burton (R-JN), and Jeff Miller (R-FL) discuss the unacceptable ramifications of a nuclear Iran. (Congressmen Darrell Issa, Dan Burton, and Jeff Miller, “Nuclear-armed mullahs are not an option,” The Washington Times, 4/29/2010)

Presidential Negativity

President Obama has turned to negative campaigning well before election season. (Daniel Henninger, “Smart Aleck-in-Chief,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/29/2010)

Dangerous Dealings.

As dangerous as Obama’s new nuclear policy is for the United States, the repercussions are being felt across the globe by countries who previously relied on our nuclear umbrella for protection. (John Bolton, “Folding our nuclear umbrella,” The Washington Times, 4/28/2010)


Although the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform was created to offer suggestions on how to lower our nation’s deficit, everyone knows what their suggestion will be: tax increases. (Editorial, “Washington’s tax hike charade,” The Washington Examiner, 4/28/2010)

Slippery Slope.

Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) says that throwing federal money at our deficit is doing nothing but hurting America. (Senator Mike Enzi, “Adding to deficit is bankrupt solution,” Politico, 4/27/2010)

Regulation Confusion?

President Obama says that the cause of our financial crisis is deregulation, but what he doesn’t understand is that there are already too many regulations. (Veronique De Rugy, “We Didn’t Deregulate,” National Review, 4/28/2010)

Withheld Information

As more information about ObamaCare is released, the clearer it is that it is nothing but “DebtCare.” (Heather Bachman, “’Now they tell us?’,” The Daily Caller, 4/28/2010)

Be sure to watch Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s (R-TX) new Weekly Republican Response video message here:

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