Thursday, May 27, 2010


The real civil war this year is going on in the Democratic Party -- and it is going largely unreported.

Timothy P. Carney - Schumer's racket: Lobbyists and hedge funds
Three years ago, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., leaned on hedge funds to lobby more. The funds soon hired his banking staffer as a lobbyist. She began raising money for Schumer. Now he's championing financial regulation that would benefit these hedge funds. "Racket" might be the right word here.

Susan Ferrechio - 'Jobs' bill deals with leftover costs from Obamacare

This year, lawmakers promised doctors a long-term fix if they would back the Democratic health care reform bill. Initially, this expenditure was included in President Obama's $1 trillion national health program, but it was stripped out in order to keep the bill from adding $59 billion to the deficit.

Now it comprises nearly one fifth of the cost of the jobs package.

Susan Ferrechio - Dems get cold feet on big spending bills

Congress is headed for a showdown this week over two major spending bills as lawmakers cringe at passing another round of legislation that would add hundreds of billions of dollars to the deficit.

Julie Mason - Obama relents, sends National Guard to Arizona border
Bowing to pressure from border state politicians, President Obama will send 1,200 National Guard troops to the region and seek $500 million for border security.

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