Monday, May 31, 2010

Special Memorial Day Message from Governor Brewer

Special Memorial Day Message From Governor Brewer

Today, each of us should take time to remember that every minute of every hour of every day we live in a free nation. It is a freedom protected by the service of men and women in uniform, standing in foreign lands, isolated posts, always standing against the forces of fear and tyranny.

Because it is a privilege to express our gratitude to those whose sacrifices serve as constant reminders of the high price of liberty; as Governor of Arizona, I have proclaimed this day -- May 31st, 2010 -- “Arizona Memorial Day.”

We remember and honor all those courageous men and women of our armed forces who have risked and lost their lives to protect America’s interests, to defend our freedom, to preserve
our values, and to advance the ideals of democracy.

I have directed that in respect and recognition of these courageous men and women, all veterans of the United States Military Services, state and local government officials, educators, students, historians, and all patriotic citizens of this great state and nation are encouraged to observe Memorial Day, May 31, 2010 with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

God bless you and your families, God bless the memory of our fallen heroes, and may God bless Arizona and the United States of America.

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