Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So Who's Lying?


So Who's Lying?
By Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator

"We call this a bribe." Congressman Darryl Issa has had enough. In a stunning, newly released YouTube video, the California Republican Congressman and member of the House Judiciary Committee has put together a Jobsgate montage of White House press secretary Robert Gibbs and Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Sestak in a veritable orgy of denial, evasion, and just plainly obvious dishonesty that could do serious damage not just to the White House but the U.S. Senate candidacy of Sestak..

(Hat tip to our friend Ben Barrack, a talk show host on KTEM 1400 in Texas who maintains a website and; has written on Sestak at the American Thinker.)

The tape was released hours before Sestak and Gibbs were scheduled to appear as guests on Sunday national TV talk shows this weekend.

In a statement released by Issa, who is the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform as a well as a senior member of Judiciary, the Congressman said:

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1 comment:

AZDad said...

This just in, From me, Sestac is most likely, telling the truth. The guys in Pittsburgh are whispering it loud enough for me to hear way up here (120 miles away). If it was a political ploy, he is a whipped puppy in the up and coming race.
( I think Pat will beat him any way):0)

Nobody will say just what position he was offered and there is, of course, a lot of conjecture as to which spot it was.( you've heard it on Fox, IE; Sec.of the Navy, etc.)

One thing for sure though, what ever it was, if it turns out to be legitimate, it came from the top. Rom is in it up to his beady eyes. That means you know who, knew.