Monday, May 17, 2010

Senators McCain and Kyl Call on President Obama to Deploy National Guard To Our Southern Border

U.S. Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl today sent a letter to President Obama calling on him to immediately deploy the National Guard to our southern border.

The letter says in part:

“The governors of Arizona and Texas have requested the deployment of the National Guard, and the governor of New Mexico has deployed his state’s National Guard to the border.
We again urge you to deploy at least 6,000 National Guardsmen to protect our southern border, with 3,000 of these troops
focused on the Arizona/Mexico border.

“We believe this would immediately improve the safety of Americans and help secure our border. As we have detailed to your administration over the last month, we also strongly urge you to work with us to provide funding for our 10-point plan to secure the Arizona-Mexico border. It would be irresponsible not to do everything we can to stop the escalating violence along the border with Mexico.”

McCain Kyl Letter to Obama

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