Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Politico: Chris Matthews Mocks J.D. Hayworth’s “Revisionist History”



Chris Matthews Mocks J.D. Hayworth’s “Revisionist History”

“Looks like J.D. Hayworth could use a history refresher. …
While it's true that Germany first declared war on the United States after Pearl Harbor, the United States immediately responded with its own declaration of war, which means we did in fact declare war on Nazi Germany, a fact in history that everyone, most especially a candidate for the United States Senate, ought to know.”

– Hardball’s Chris Matthews MSNBC’s “Hardball”

May 24, 2010

Chris Matthews: “Looks like J.D. Hayworth could use a history refresher. John McCain’s right-wing primary challenger was at a Phoenix event last week when he was asked about the United States' reluctance to formally declare war in modern-day conflicts. Hayworth’s stance: it's okay because the U.S. never declared war on Nazi Germany.”

J.D. Hayworth (Clip): “I would also point out that if we want to be sticklers, the war that Dwight Eisenhower led in Europe against the Third Reich was never declared by the United States Congress. Recall that Congress passed a war resolution against Japan. Germany declared war on us two days later. We never formally declared war on Hitler's Germany.”

Audience Member (Clip): “I believe we did.”

Hayworth (Clip): “Yet we fought the war.”

Audience Member (Clip): “I believe we did.”

Matthews: “That guy’s right by the way. Not J.D., the other guy. We never declared war on Hitler’s Germany? While it's true that Germany first declared war on the United States after Pearl Harbor, the United States immediately responded with its own declaration of war, which means we did in fact declare war on Nazi Germany, a fact in history that everyone, most especially a candidate for the United States Senate, ought to know.”

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