Monday, May 03, 2010

Obama Lies About Arizona Immigration Law

Obama and Media Hyperventilate Over Immigration Law

By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, Expose Obama

Obama, the media, liberal elites -- and even some Republicans -- have rushed to decry Arizona’s immigration enforcement law with shocking hyperbole.

This bill is constitutional and it addresses a pressing issue at the state level because the federal government has shirked responsibility for years.

While the critics would have you believe enforcing America’s immigration law is the second coming of fascism, the Arizona law properly emphasizes enforcement in a manner that upholds the Constitution and basic principles of human decency.

Nevertheless, Eugene Robinson, the Washington Post columnist, denounced the law by saying, "Arizona's draconian new immigration law is an abomination -- racist, arbitrary, oppressive, mean-spirited, unjust."

The infamous race baiter Rev. Al Sharpton is promising to come to Arizona to march in opposition to the law. President Obama decried the law as “misguided” and “poorly conceived.”

Obama even falsely claimed that a Hispanic family eating ice cream could be forced to provide their papers just because they had dark skin. CBS News used fascist references to attack the law. These critics completely miss the mark. If these critics had read the law, they would know that it primarily focuses on enforcing existing
federal law at the state level.

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