Wednesday, May 05, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for May 5, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to
Sanders' amendment to Audit the Fed: "The lack of transparency at the Federal Reserve helped to contribute to the financial crisis. If markets had more reliable information regarding the nation's monetary policy, including which firms are dependent on Federal Reserve subsidies, systemic risk within the system could be identified by markets, instead of kept under a shroud of secrecy as under the current system."

Keep the Lights On

Dems: New Offshore Drilling 'Dead on Arrival'

Weighing the Benefits and Costs of Offshore Drilling

Time for Some Oil Spill Perspective

Big Brother Is Watching You: Students React

Socialists and Conservatives Unite to Audit the Fed

Which Mitt Will Show Up in 2012?

Third Party Campaign Spending Surges

Big Dem Donors Get Exemption in Bank Bill

Geithner Defends Bank Tax

Stopping the Social Security Ponzi Scheme

Punish GM's False Advertising

MSNBC Anchor Bummed that Shahzad Wasn't a Tea Partier

Don't forget to enter the Harmful Regulations Video Contest! Just make a simple video explaining why government regulations harm people and you could win $2,500!

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