Saturday, May 29, 2010

Millionaire Mills Makes Manly Mistake

Millionaire Mills Makes “Manly” Mistake

From Mary Peters, Former United States Secretary of Transportation:

“Millionaire Buz Mills thinks that it takes a “real man” to secure Arizona’s border. But America knows differently. They know that Governor Jan Brewer, a strong woman, has been taking the Federal Government to task on our broken borders.

“Governor Jan Brewer has had a consistent track record in fighting illegal immigration. As Secretary of State, she defended Arizona’s mandatory requirement of identification at the polls all the way to the Supreme Court – and won. As Governor, she has denied all services for those in the country illegally and returned non-violent criminal aliens to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). She is also implementing her
Border Security Enhancement Program.

“Governor Brewer sent a message to Washington by signing SB 1070 and has stood up to defend it against the liberal East Coast media, Rev. Al Sharpton, Phoenix Mayor Gordon, and the rest who threaten to boycott the state.

“Meanwhile, Buz didn’t even take an interest in illegal immigration until Governor Brewer made it a national topic. Even more unbelievable, on several occasions, Mills has claimed that he opposes Arizona’s tough employer sanctions law.

“Now, the Mills campaign claims that the employer sanctions comments were a mistake and his “real man” mailer was a misprint.

Arizona can’t afford Buz Mills’ mistakes.

“Arizona has a true leader, and that WOMAN is our Governor, Jan Brewer.”

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