Tuesday, May 11, 2010

McCain 2010 Momentum Continues

First, thank you for all your support. Our campaign momentum is at an all time high and as we head into the summer months our campaign office is filled with volunteers, our phone banks are full and our weekend events are packed with supporters.

Senator McCain continues his fight for Arizona taxpayers in Washington DC as he shines a light on federal government spending and accountability.

This week, The Washington Times highlighted Senator McCain’s efforts to reform Fannie and Freddie Mac.

You can view the editorial here.

Many of you have called and emailed our office asking how you can help and this week we have a couple of events to highlight.

Come on out and join us!!

Phone Banks

Starting this week, we will begin having Wednesday and Thursday night phone banks. We will go from 5pm to 8pm every Wednesday and Thursday night from now until the August 24th primary. For those of you that come out to the phone banks we will have raffle items to give away to our top callers. Items will include autographed John McCain books and McCain 2010 apparel.
To sign up please email Anthony Miller at anthony@friendsofjohnmccain.com.
Goodyear Precinct Walk

This weekend’s Goodyear Precinct walk will start with a visit from Senator McCain along with coffee & doughnuts at Avondale Friendship Park at 8:45 AM. Then we will hit the streets till noon! 

Avondale Friendship Park is located on McDowell Road, west of Avondale Blvd, just north of I-10. If you need a ride, there will be a carpool organized at campaign HQ at 8:00 AM.

RSVP to Mike Sistak at msistak@friendsofjohnmccain.com. These are just a few of the opportunities to help our campaign this week. You can check out our other events on the website by clicking here.

Thanks and we will see you on the campaign trail.


Shiree Verdone
Campaign Manager
McCain 2010

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