Thursday, May 13, 2010

John McCain: President Obama 'falsifying' immigration By ANDY BARR -


Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says President Barack Obama is spreading “false” information about the Arizona immigration bill.

McCain was rebutting a statement the president recently made about the law that grants police in the state the ability to ask anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant for documentation proving their citizenship.

“If you are an Hispanic American in Arizona, your great-grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state but now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, your going to be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen, that’s not the right way to go,” Obama said during a town hall event in Iowa.

During an interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, McCain said the comment was “simply false” and partially responsible for pushing a negative narrative about the state.

“That is totally falsifying the law passed in Arizona, which calls for reasonable suspicion, both whether someone should be stopped or not, and, once they're stopped, reasonable suspicion as to whether they are in the country illegally, and it specifically outlaws racial profiling,” McCain said.

“For the president to make the statement that he did ... is partially what brings on a lot of things said afterwards.”

The cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles have voted to boycott Arizona and several civil rights groups have called on Major League Baseball to strip Phoenix of the 2011 All-Star game.

Asked by Hannity why he thought Obama would say something the senator contends is false, McCain responded: “I have no idea. But I know it's outrageous.”

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