Thursday, May 20, 2010


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Arizona shows incumbent Senator John McCain picking up 57% support to Glassman’s 28%. Nine percent (9%) favor some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) are undecided.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters in Arizona was conducted on May 17, 2010 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/-3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.


Andra said...

The voters finally figured out that this was the same JD who was in Congress before and miserably failed us. I guess his corruption has finally caught up to him.

Unknown said...

Yep they saw past the big voice and looked at what he produced and strangely enough couldn't find anything.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure this lead truly wasn't always this big. I live in Arizona and I have yet to come across anyone who is a JD supporter. I mean I see the signs but no the people.

Unknown said...

JD is nothing but a blow hard who is trying to ride a little local fame to the office. He would do nothing but divide our community if elected.

Anonymous said...

John McCain just reaached over 1 million in fudraising and most of it came from 200 dollars or less donations. I think the people have spoken

Unknown said...

I think this is direct reflection of him promoting his border plan. We here in AZ have been screaming for this for years. McCain now has the national attention to attack this head on.

Unknown said...

The fact of the matter is that the AZ voter is way to informed to fall for a gimmick politician like JD.

Unknown said...

There will never be a democrat elected in this state. We are at our very core conservative. We have to be too maintain American values in pourus border enviroment.

Unknown said...

What that poll doesn't show is the amount of small donation support the citzens of AZ are giving to John McCain. He's over a million and way ahead of anyone right now and most of it came from 200 or less not claimable donations.

Unknown said...

Oh and I forgot to say VOTE McCAIN his experiance and his clout in washington is exactly what this state needs during these hard times.

Unknown said...

JD is a pork belly spending, double talking, blow hard who couldnt even hold off a demorcrat in AZ. Why would we put our trust in him again?