Saturday, May 22, 2010

Internet Freedom Under Attack From Obama FCC

Internet Freedom Challenged by Obama FCC

By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, ExposeObama

House Minority Leader John Boehner recently accused the Obama Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of pursuing a "government takeover of the Internet."

Specifically, Boehner said that the FCC is engaging in an action that "amounts to a government takeover of the Internet, and yet another government takeover of a large portion of the private sector by the Obama administration."

The scheme amounts to an online “Fairness Doctrine” but it goes under another equally benign name: “network neutrality.”

Can you imagine what would happen if we were required under penalty of law to "balance" all the information on the Internet?

Well that's exactly what Barack Obama wants.

Recently, the effort suffered a major setback when the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals put up a road block to the plan.

Fox News' Phil Kerpen reported: "That effort suffered a major setback when the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals emphatically smacked down the FCC’s regulatory proposals in Comcast v. FCC."

But Obama's not going to let the court get in his way. He's going to "go nuclear" and defy the courts.

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