Saturday, May 08, 2010

Gov. Jan Brewer to Obama: No One in Arizona is Laughing

Brewer to Obama: No One in Arizona is Laughing

President fails to secure border, opts for jokes instead

PHOENIX –– Governor Jan Brewer sparked a renewed national focus on border security and illegal immigration when she signed SB1070. While Brewer has been celebrated by many for taking action to enforce laws that Washington has long ignored, those who oppose the law have chosen pithy punch lines over responsible and pragmatic action.

Far away from the border at the White House Correspondents Dinner, President Obama decided that Arizona’s unsecured borders and illegal immigration crisis are a laughing matter.

Unfortunately, no one in Arizona is laughing. Watch the latest video below:


In December 2008, the U.S. Justice Department said that Mexican gangs are the "biggest organized crime threat to the United States." In 2009, Phoenix had 316 kidnapping cases, turning the city into our nation's kidnapping capital. Almost all of the persons kidnapped were illegal immigrants or linked to the drug trade.

"The very same week that Governor Brewer signed SB 1070, a major drug ring was broken up and Mexican cartel operatives suspected of running 40,000 pounds of marijuana through southern Arizona were indicted. A week later, a local deputy sheriff was assaulted by suspected drug smugglers carrying an automatic weapon,” said campaign spokesman Doug Cole.

“The drug trafficking and border violence is out of control in Arizona and demands serious attention. President Obama and Congress ignored several requests from Governor Brewer for help in securing the border. Instead of helping, President Obama chooses to crack jokes to an adoring crowd. Mr. President, this is not a laughing matter.”

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