Saturday, May 15, 2010

Brewer & Palin Launch Effort to Support Border Security & Arizona

For Immediate Release: May 15, 2010
Contact: Douglas Cole, 602-686-9712

Brewer & Palin Launch Effort to Support Border Security and Arizona
‘Arizona Doing the Job Our Federal Government Won’t Do’

PHOENIX – Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin today launched an effort aimed at educating the country on the federal government’s failure to secure our nation’s southern border and its failure to address the human tragedy that is occurring as a result.

They also asked Americans to stand up and support Arizona. Key to the ‘Secure the Border—Support Arizona’ effort is the launching of a new website devoted to these issues:

"Our purpose today is to help the rest of the nation understand the crisis which confronts our state," Brewer stated. ‘This new website will help educate the rest of America and perhaps our political leaders in Washington that this is not an immigration crisis, this is a border security crisis."

Governor Palin concurred, "We will never resolve our immigration crisis until Governors like Jan Brewer and the citizens of Arizona are convinced we have shut the front door of illegal immigration and drug smuggling along our own southern border. It is time for Americans across this great country to stand up and say, ‘we’re all Arizonans now, and in clear unity say: Mr. President, do your job, secure our border’."

Brewer also announced that her first appointment to the Joint Border Security Advisory Committee (JBSAC) will be Basilio Aja, Executive Vice President of the Arizona Cattlemen’s Association. This statutory committee will analyze the latest information about our border, including crossings and crime statistics, and make recommendations designed to increase border security.

The JBSAC was created as part of the legislative changes Brewer requested to SB 1070. The 12-member Joint Border Security Advisory Committee will include six Brewer appointees and six legislators.

Brewer went on to say, "While President Obama is making wisecracks and playing racial politics, some groups have suggested that Arizona be punished for enforcing laws that our federal government has failed to enforce. That is misguided at best. At worst, it’s continuing political manipulation where earnest problem solving and protection of national security ought to be." features videos, pictures, statistics and news stories on the effects of the federal government’s failure to secure the border. It also has a section where site visitors can read all the correspondence sent to the federal government by Governor Brewer and then-Governor Janet Napolitano.

"DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano is turning a blind eye to the same problem of which she herself once complained," Brewer remarked. "She and the President are giving us the same answer that she once got. She has apparently had a change of position in more ways than one."

The website also allows visitors to sign petitions to the federal government demanding that they secure the border. Visitors can also express their support for the State of Arizona.

Palin concluded by saying, "A final word to the boycott crowd and the majority of Americans who support Governor Brewer’s stand: If you want border security—if you want to halt the human rights abuses that have resulted from our failed border security policy—come visit Arizona. You could say that here they are doing the job our federal government won’t do."

The Governors made their announcement prior to the Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation’s annual banquet at the J.W. Marriott Desert Ridge Resort.

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