Monday, May 24, 2010

Arizona State Senate Candidate Bill Konopnicki Releases Four New Radio Ads

CLICK THE LINK TO LISTEN TO RADIO AD 1 Bill Konopnicki 2010 -1

Radio Ad 1 Text:

Bill Konopnicki has been representing our district in the Arizona House of Representatives. We need Bill to work for us in the Arizona State Senate. Bill understands the needs of rural Arizona. He understands how to fix the budget problem. He understands the future of Arizona, family values, rural Arizona families and our rights. Bill opposes bigger government, party politics at taxpayer expense, deficit spending and transferring state problems to local government. Bill Konopnicki – a conservative voice for rural Arizona. Paid for by Konopnicki 2010.

CLICK HERE FOR RADIO AD 2 Bill Konopnicki 2010 -2

Bill Konopnicki is a proven, constitutional conservative. Bill is a current member of the Arizona legislature, a former school board member, a former hospital board member and a former member of the Grand Canyon Boy Scouts of America Executive Council. Bill will continue to support traditional marriage, promote the second amendment, protect our borders, keep rural Arizona’s water and protect the unborn. Bill Konopnicki – a conservative voice for rural Arizona. Let’s keep him working for us in the Arizona State Senate. Paid for by Konopnicki 2010.

CLICK HERE FOR RADIO AD 3 Bill Konopnicki 2010 -3

Bill Konopnicki believes that excellence can be achieved if you care more than others, risk more than others, are practical, take a common sense approach and expect more than others think possible. Bill Konopnicki is a leader who has listened to your concerns, has represented you and your issues, has studied the issues with you and for you, has made tough decisions and has supported rural Arizona issues. Bill Konopnicki- a conservative voice for rural Arizona. Let’s keep him working for us in the Arizona State Senate. Paid for by Konopnicki 2010.

CLICK HERE FOR RADIO AD 4 Bill Konopnicki 2010 -4

There is a lot a stake in the upcoming elections. Bill Konopnicki has the only proven voting record. He has voted to cut taxes by $2.2 billion, his bills have helped create over 150,000 new jobs, he has protected rural Arizona by not letting others steal our water or raise our taxes and at the same time has kept our schools, hospitals and community health centers. There is too much at risk, we must have Bill Konopnicki in the Senate working for our best interests not the interests of the larger counties.

Paid for by Konopnicki 2010

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