Senator McCain On “The Fred Thompson Show”: Congressman Hayworth Was A Pork Barrel Spender With Abramoff Ties
Senator McCain: Congressman Hayworth “Was A Staunch Advocate Of Pork Barrel Earmark Spending” Who Got Himself “Tied Up” With Jack Abramoff
Fred Thompson: “John, when we were back there together [in the Senate], one of the things that you fought for day in and day out was against this pork barrel spending. I remember before it got popular, before anybody else was much talking about it, and I thought we had all the money in the world to spend, you’d go to the floor on item after item after item, making yourself pretty unpopular around that place, by trying to do something about the pork barrel spending. And I read in your race out there that there is a stark contrast that is developing out there between you and your opponent on this issue.
Senator John McCain: “Well when my opponent was a member of Congress, he was a staunch advocate of pork barrel earmark spending. … And of course got himself tied up with this guy Abramoff and was under investigation and did some really interesting things on Abramoff’s behalf and with Abramoff. But now he’s calling himself the conservative. Shows what a funny world we live in today.”

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