HJS Comments: In the United States, if parents who adhere to a strict religion refuse to approve a life-saving operation for their child (classic case), the State or Federal law steps in and removes the child from the parents' custody and sees to it that the child receives the procedures necessary to avoid such an early and needless death. We do not contest this because we have an idea, after centuries of study, that man should not expect a miracle from heaven if man has the capability of solving the problem without divine intervention. As far as the media is concerned, it is not unusual to name the parents and their religion in the newspapers or on TV. Perhaps they are pointing out, to be charitable, that people should know that some religions are not helpful to society in some cases.
Perhaps this unfortunate convert had become acquainted with two particular verses from the Qur'an, 8:12 and 8:55, both strongly indicating that not believing in Islam is a crime. Remember, to Muslims, the Qur'an is the actual Word of God. "I shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Smite them upon the necks and smite every finger from them." [8:12] "The worst of beasts in God's view are those ungrateful ones who disbelieve." [8:55] Are they not powerful messages for anyone, let alone the newly converted?
Tell me, whenever you run across a person who fervently believes that God is telling him he should kill all people who do not believe in Islam, because that is what the Qur'an says, and the Qur'an, he believes, is the true Word of God, how do you convince him he is wrong and he should not take those commands seriously?
And just as important, why would the media report the name and religion of the parents who deny professional healthcare, but in cases such as this outrageous murder, they hide the religion and the reasons for the crime, both of which point out that something is wrong here and society should be aware of that something that lives among them. Could it be that the first religion has comparatively few members and is not particularly dangerous, while the other religion has infinitely more members and is quite dangerous when offended by what is reported, true or not? Or is it plain, old Political Correctness, which is another synonym for cowardice?
Posted By Robert Spencer On April 16, 2010 @ 12:03 am In FrontPage
What’s that? The “gunman” was a Muslim? He said something about the Qur’an? Surely not! None of that is in the AP story, which is an object lesson in journalistic bias and obfuscation: “Source: Chicago gunman heard voices to kill family,” by Don Babwin for Associated Press [1], April 14 (thanks to Paul):
CHICAGO – A person close to the investigation of a shooting in Chicago that left a woman and three children dead says the gunman told police that he committed the crime after hearing voices telling him to kill his family.
Compare that to the Chicago Tribune story I discussed here [2]. It says that “the man had converted to Islam several years ago while serving time in prison and had a dispute with his wife — one of the victims — because she would not adhere to his faith. He told police that he needed to take his family back to Allah and out of this world of sinners, a source said….The wife’s sister, Shirina Thompson, said the suspect had been talking about “going to Allah.” Both Thompson and a neighbor in Wisconsin said the man had fought with his wife in recent days because she refused to wear Muslim garb….Letisha Larry, one of the suspect’s sisters, said her brother had been acting strange, carrying around the Quran and telling family members that something in the book told him to kill someone.”
But AP has none of that. He was just “hearing voices.”
This is one of the reasons why we always post at Jihad Watch [3] the names of the reporters who write the stories. These whole process of news gathering and news reporting needs to be demystified, even in this Internet age, and news reports recognized not as objective, dispassionate accounts, but as the work of human beings with agendas. While it is possible that Kristen Schorsch, Annie Sweeney and Cynthia Dizikes of the Tribune are simply better, more thorough reporters than Don Babwin of AP, it is more likely that Babwin had access to exactly the same information that showed up in the Tribune report, but chose not to go with it.
He probably thought it would be “Islamophobic” to do so, or that to do so would fuel one of those fabled but nonexistent “backlashes” against innocent Muslims. So he probably decided it was better to cover up key facts about this incident. And the thing is, Don Babwin is no worse a journalist than thousands of others working today. He was just doing what they all do, in large and small ways, every day.
To expose them as they do this, and to inform you about what is really going on, is one of the main reasons why Jihad Watch [3] exists.
[1] Associated Press: http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2010/04/14/20100414chicago-gunman-heard-voices-to-kill-family.html
He had fought with his wife because she would not become a Muslim and wear Muslim garb. "Suspect held in slayings of wife, baby son, two young nieces: 2 other family members are hospitalized, one on life support," by Kristen Schorsch, Annie Sweeney and Cynthia Dizikes for the Chicago Tribune, April 14 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Amid the sudden crackle of gunfire, a 12-year-old girl ran from a Marquette Park bungalow and fled along South Mozart Street. A gunman -- a relative -- took a shot at her and missed. Soon, she burst through the door of a nearby gas station, dressed only in pajamas, begging an attendant to call her mom.
When Keshia Larry answered the phone early Wednesday morning, she heard her daughter speak these panicked words: "He killed everyone."
Police would later enter the bungalow and find a scene one commander described as "incomprehensible." Four people -- an adult and three children, all related -- were dead. The adult and the oldest child were pregnant. Two other family members were hospitalized, one on life support.
Police had soon apprehended a suspect, a Wisconsin man with a lengthy criminal record who was related to all those killed. Sources involved with the investigation said the man had converted to Islam several years ago while serving time in prison and had a dispute with his wife -- one of the victims -- because she would not adhere to his faith.
He told police that he needed to take his family back to Allah and out of this world of sinners, a source said. A police report quoted him as saying, "I wish I had more bullets. I wish I had more bullets."...
Family members said the suspect had been acting strangely. The wife's sister, Shirina Thompson, said the suspect had been talking about "going to Allah." Both Thompson and a neighbor in Wisconsin said the man had fought with his wife in recent days because she refused to wear Muslim garb.
The children killed were Jihad, the 7-month-old son of the gunman; his 3-year-old niece, Keleasha Larry; and his 16-year-old niece, Keyshai Fields, who friends said was four months pregnant. The nieces, both daughters of Keshia Larry, were found shot to death in the same bed.
The suspect's wife was 19-year-old Twanda Thompson. Family members said the couple were married just weeks ago and that Thompson was expecting their second child. She and Jihad were found in bed in a separate bedroom with gunshot wounds in their heads, police said....
Letisha Larry, one of the suspect's sisters, said her brother had been acting strange, carrying around the Quran and telling family members that something in the book told him to kill someone....
Letisha Larry, one of the suspect's sisters, said her brother had been acting strange, carrying around the Quran and telling family members that something in the book told him to kill someone....
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