RICK ROMLEY, former County Attorney for 16 years, today was chosen on a vote of 4 - 1 to replace Andrew Thomas as Maricopa County Attorney!
Rick Romley served as Maricopa County attorney for 16 years, from 1989 to 2004.
He was born in 1949.
He was serving as a squad leader in Vietnam when he was nearly killed by a land mine, losing both legs above the knee. His son, David, is a major in the Marine Corps.
Following the war, Romley attended Arizona State University in Tempe as a business management student. He graduated in 1974.
He enrolled at ASU's law school and achieved his Juris Doctor degree in 1981.
In 2001, Romley was awarded the Disabled American Veterans' Outstanding Disabled Veteran of the Year.
After leaving the county attorney's post, Romley was a special advisor to the Arizona attorney general for six months.
In August 2007, he became a personal advisor to James Nicholson, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in Washington, D.C.
Just two days ago, as reported on by "The Arizona Guardian",
Arizona Republican Party Chairman Randy Pullen asked that Romley NOT be appointed. Why?
Arizona Republican Party Chairman Randy Pullen asked that Romley NOT be appointed. Why?
Probably because Pullen is afraid that HE might be investigated himself:
Rick Romley will get to the bottom of the corruption that has been part of his predecessor's reign in the County Attorney's Office. Now EVERYTHING will be "Out In The Open"!
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