Tuesday, April 06, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION - Must Reads for April 6, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day: "Since Barack Obama took office, he has, almost from day one, rolled back earlier efforts that increased transparency in labor unions. Those regulations were crafted in accordance with the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act."

Obama throws first pitch at Nationals Home-Opener donning a White-Sox hat, according to Obama he is the "Southside kid".

Harry Reid attacks Palin on the campaign trail. Reid starts campaign down double-digits in the polls.

There was a time when
Maxine Waters didn't get upset over protests.

Jonah Goldberg has a great Op-Ed in the USA Today - "How Much Taxation Is Enough?"

ALG launches websites to monitor the SEIU and the UFCW.

Thomas Sowell reminds us that few combinations are more poisonous than Race and Politics.

Washington Examiner is asking for the full truth about TARP.

Radical rulers to rule over all of us,
according to Robert Knight at the Washington Times.

VIDEO: The Death Panel Lie Exposed

Who are the Tea Partiers?

Tea Party Poll finds that the Tea Partiers are as evil as the entire U.S. population...

The New Big Worry: Sovereign Debt

Barone: What Can 1946 Tell Us About 2010?

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