The Hayworth campaign is in total panic mode over Petition Signatures required to be placed on the 2010 ballot.
Yesterday, the Peeing Red Blog (Rob Haney/Carol Turoff) & the IC Arizona Blog (paid for by JD Hayworth) posted articles on How to Take Your Signatures off Sen. McCain's Petitons.
Sources tell PM that the Hayworth campaign is NO WHERE NEAR the required amount of signatures.
Senator John McCain has more than 4 times the amount of signatures needed!
Just another typical dirty Washington politician, JD Hayworth cannot play nice
April 7, 8:36 PM
Cochise County – Reports (via blogs and Tea Party discussion forums) are going out today regarding Hayworths campaign instructing people how they can take their signatures off other campaigns and support only him. Yes America, while some of you may enjoy having no choice (as is obvious with the recent Health Care bill passage) I and many others like me want a choice. If you follow through with these instructions, you will be depriving others of their choice.
Here are just a few simple reasons why you should NOT take your name off Jim Deakin’s signature lists.
In Arizona alone there are currently over ONE MILLION registered Republican voters, if JD Hayworth is that starved for signatures maybe he should start talking to people who ask to talk to him versus acting like every other Washington elitist.
When you signed Jim Deakin’s petition why did you do this, did you do this because you wanted another Celebrity (like the current California governor- who has made it virtually impossible to protect oneself.) or did you want another Washington elitist, as JD Hayworth surely is, after all why did we not re-elect him in 2006?
. Are you willing to back out on your commitment and if so what does commitment mean too you than, after all JD Hayworth is a Washington elitist and has a terrible voting record regardless of “new” information. Look for yourself here!
Real change begins with you NOT electing the same old politicans over and over again, these people who are running based on their “Star” power or worse yet based on lies. What happens in this country will be decided by how you vote, so make sure you know for certain why you are voting for the person you have chosen.
Your call Arizona, and Cochise County- is it time to stand for truth and the REAL American way?
Hayworth's campaign is now getting desparate! Rob Haney, MCRC Chairman & Hayworth 'worshiper' is spreading lies about McCain's Campaign Manager:
Posted today on the Sonoran Alliance Blog (paid for by JD Hayworth)
Conservative 2 the Core (AKA Rob Haney)Says: April 8th, 2010 at 7:18 am
How ridiculous, McCain’s campaign manager has mob ties and was caught up and indicted in an FBI corruption sting and has the audacity to put this stuff out there?
McCain camp should look in the mirror more often.
WOW! The owner of SA better be careful of a slander lawsuit. The Hayworth campaign is showing its' true colors. They are desparate and their candidate keeps putting his 'foot in his mouth' at every opportunity!
Haha this is no surprise at all. Just proving that Hayworth is all talk and no substance.
I do not want JD on the ballot anyway! I would love to send him packing along with his shady ways and lack of morals. Perhaps he will find the hidden names from his legal debt trust also??? He has failed to prove that he is anything more then he has ever been...a loser
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