Governor Jan Brewer Unveils New Model for Economic Development Authority
Will Engage Business Leaders Across Arizona
PHOENIX – Yesterday, Governor Jan Brewer unveiled a new model to advance Arizona’s economy through its approach to economic development.
The new authority will replace the current Arizona Department of Commerce; add a private-sector leadership board chaired by the governor, and position Arizona to be more responsive to business needs and opportunities.
“In my State of the State address in January, I promised as long as I am Governor, the sign out front will always read ‘Arizona is Open for Business,’” said Governor Brewer.
“This is a comprehensive effort that provides a 21st Century approach to advance Arizona’s economy. We will be more aggressive in attracting new industry and jobs to this State, and we will be more focused on helping great Arizona companies grow and expand.”
The new model is a result of the governor’s collaboration with top Arizona CEOs. The Governor’s Commerce Advisory Council is comprised of Jerry Colangelo, Paul Bonavia, Don Brandt, Bob Campbell, Don Cardon, Brad Casper, Linda Hunt and Roy Vallee.
“Our State may be at its most serious economic crossroads,” said Jerry Colangelo, Council Chair and Partner of JDM Partners and Chairman of USA Basketball. “Governor Brewer stated one of her top priorities is to build a stronger and more effective economic development delivery system – one that will withstand political and economic vagaries that have plagued this vital function for many years. That’s exactly what we have proposed.”
This new authority will be driven by a 15 member board consisting of business and community leaders across Arizona. It will provide insight and expertise on targeted industries, such as solar, science, technology, aerospace and defense. “Governor Brewer turned to business to solve a business problem - I have to applaud her
visionary approach,” said Donald E. Cardon, Director of the Arizona Department of Commerce.
“This new authority will help Arizona entrepreneurs to achieve great success, to grow here at home, and to create more jobs.”Governor Brewer’s new economic development authority is being created as a result of studying best practices in economic development undertaken by business leaders around the globe.
This new vehicle will coordinate and integrate the efforts of key partners like Science Foundation Arizona, the universities, regional economic development groups, and the member communities of Arizona’s Councils of Governments – all working together to secure success for the State of Arizona.

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