Saturday, April 17, 2010


Election 2010: Arizona Republican Primary for Governor Arizona

Republican Primary for Governor: Brewer Edges Ahead

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of the Republican gubernatorial primary race in Arizona shows Governor Jan Brewer gaining ground with 26% of likely primary voters now supporting her in a crowded field.

In March, when she attracted 20% support, the incumbent was in a virtual three-way tie with other GOP contenders.

Now Brewer is eight points ahead of the runner-up, businessman and political novice Buz Mills.

In the current survey, Mills attracts 18% of voters, former Arizona Republican Party Chairman John Munger 14% and State Treasurer Dean Martin 12%.

Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate. About a quarter (24%) of likely GOP primary voters in the state remain undecided.

Martin was the nominal leader in March, when he garnered 21% support. Mills was then one point behind the governor, attracting 19% of primary voters, and Munger was at 10%. Back in January, before Mills threw his hat in the ring, Martin claimed 31% support, while Brewer was at 29% and Munger at seven percent (7%).

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