For Immediate Release
Director of Communications:
April 13, 2010
Tim Gaffney 602-810-4715
Dean Martin Supports the Cattle Grower’s Association
“Restore Our Border Plan”
This afternoon, Treasurer Dean Martin stood with dozens of ranchers from southern Arizona in support of the Cattle Grower's Association “Restore Our Border” (ROB) security plan in response to the escalating lawlessness in southern Arizona due to failure by the government to secure our border.
"It is unacceptable that our borders have been allowed to become so porous that criminals can operate with near impunity and that lives and properties are literally at stake. Years ago, I proposed legislation to deploy the National Guard to put radar camera equipment and a physical fence along the border. Unfortunately, our former Governor, and now Secretary of Homeland Security vetoed these attempts to secure our border. Now our current Governor, who has been in office more than a year, has done little to secure our border, but simply point the finger at Washington." Treasurer Martin continued, "I urge state and federal leaders to act upon the Cattle Grower's plan immediately. These are reasonable measures, it's time to set politics aside and do what's right for the people of Arizona."
A copy of the plan can be found here:http://azcattlemensassoc.org/documentz/2010-april/2010ACGABorderSecurityPlan(2).pdf
paid for by: Vote Dean Martin.com
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