Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another Poll Puts McCain Over Hayworth By 26 Points By Dan Nowicki

The Arizona Republic (Blog)
April 28, 2010

A new poll from Phoenix-based Behavior Research Center shows Sen. John McCain with a commanding lead over former Rep. J.D. Hayworth in Arizona's closely watched Senate primary fight.

Polls in this slugfest have been all over the place, making it hard to get a bead on where the race stands. And this poll is unlikely to change perceptions dramatically. But unlike some of the other polls, the statewide survey of 666 Arizona voters conducted between April 12 and April 25 includes Republicans and GOP-leaning independents who indicated they intend to participate in the Aug. 24 Republican primary.

Of those primary voters, McCain leads Hayworth 54 percent to 28 percent with another 18 percent undecided.

In a potential general election battle against former Tucson Vice Mayor Rodney Glassman, the leading Democratic Senate candidate, McCain is ahead 46 percent to 24 percent with a significant 30 percent "uncommitted," the poll says.

Hayworth also leads Glassman, who is not very well-known around the state yet, by 37 percent to 30 percent with 33 percent "uncommitted."

The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 5.3 percent.


Unknown said...

McCain has worked the system to his own ends and created unnecessary chaos. We have never had a viable candidate to run against him before. McCain will continue to deceive us! He will eat constituents who do not agree with him.

McCain supported: $700 billion TARP bailout; $25 billion auto bailout; $300 billion mortgage bailout; $85 billion AIG bailout. Not to mention Cap and Trade that will cost us billions, and the billion dollar McAmnesty boondoggle with McKyl. With taxpayer “friends” like this, who needs Demorats?

McCain and Kyl have stuck it to the real workers of the Party for so long that it’s time for them to get a spoon full of their own nasty medicine. Bye, John. Thanks for all you’ve done. Flush …

Tony GOPrano said...

Are you on crack Nik? Hayworth a 'viable candidate'? You have to be kidding?

John McCain will win this election by double digits! Nice try Nik!

JennsR said...

You may not agree with every choice McCain has made, but when you look at his records, his history, his reputation and integrity, I think you will find that there is no comparison btwn him and JD. JD is far too corrupt for Arizona and this Nation. McCain is our best choice, there is no doubt.

Tony GOPrano said...

Jenns I could agree with you more. McCain has done the right thing for Arizona & the Country for over 25 years.

We have a story coming soon from back in 1997; a Senate Floor speech by Senator McCain that would echo what is happening today.

Hayworth only got 'involved' with Border Issues in 2004. He really used that issue in 2005 (same year his book was published - coincidence or not?)

Unknown said...

lad the pools agree with the people. Though these newfangled numbers are probably going to be something Hayworth will have a hard time interpreting, and I'm sure he'll find a way to make them seem like they're in his favor (which very little is across the board). It's too bad there hasn't been any recent tragedies for Hayworth to exploit lately. Poor Hayworth.