Friday, April 09, 2010

AARP: Getting the Facts or Hiding the Facts?

We know about the corruption of AARP -- just see here, here and here to get you started. But there's more and it needs to be exposed. AARP wants to answer questions regarding the new health care law but I betcha they don't want to hear from folks like you -- with real questions to which their answers don't hold water. They hypocrisy of AARP is clear -- it's our job to make that known.

Amidst press reports this morning that AARP is working with Democrats to sell the majority’s government takeover of health care to skeptical seniors, the organization says in the release below that it will be “answering the top questions about the new health care reform law e-mailed by readers to” In that case, many may want AARP to answer one simple question: Exactly how much money does the “non-profit” organization make from selling its lucrative Medigap policies to seniors?

Of course, answering that question would allow individuals to calculate how much this “advocacy group” stands to benefit financially from the more than $200 billion in Medicare
Advantage cuts included in the health law – which might explain why AARP is trying to keep secret the precise amount of “royalty fee” revenue it obtains from over-charging seniors for Medigap policies

While its board chair promised at a hearing in December that AARP would disclose the amount of its Medigap revenues, the organization later reversed course, deciding instead to “stonewall” Congress and not release this information, as page 3 of the attached letter indicates.

So the real questions AARP should be answering aren’t ones about the law itself, but its own operations:

    • How much has AARP been over-charging seniors who purchased Medigap policies from the organization in order to fund “educational” efforts promoting Democrats’ government takeover of health care?

      · How much does AARP project it will benefit from the law’s more than $200 billion in Medicare Advantage cuts that will result in seniors buying more AARP-branded Medigap plans as a result?

      · And how many seniors must e-mail questions showing their outrage over the organization’s policies of charging “
      kickbacks” to seniors – and the contempt it shows by refusing to disclose the amount of those “kickbacks” – before AARP finally acts in its members’ interests rather than its own?

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