Check out this new web video on Governor Palin's visit -- and share it with your friends and family!Over 5,000 people in Tucson and 3,000 in Mesa came out this weekend to see Governor Sarah Palin's passionate endorsement of Senator McCain.

She made a strong case that for the good of our great state and for America, we need John McCain now more than ever to lead us in these challenging times. Both events exceeded expectations in every way and along the way, we signed up hundreds of volunteers, registered hundreds of new voters and our momentum has never been stronger.
I want to extend a special thank-you to everyone that came out for each event and especially to the hundreds of volunteers that gave their time and talent to help make Govornor Palin's visit such a success.
We could not have done it without you. Your efforts are truly appreciated. We have pulled together many of the photos and videos from each event and we wanted to share them with you below.Tucson / Mesa Rally PhotosTucson / Mesa Rally Videos
As Governor Palin said this weekend, now is the time to make certain that Senator McCain is re-elected to help take our country back. There's lots you can do to help!
You can donate to the campaign by clicking here, you can volunteer by clicking here and when you text “McCain” to 69872 (GOUSA) you'll receive exclusive campaign mobile updates. Get involved today!
We will have move exciting news and events coming in April so keep checking back at JohnMcCain.com for details.
Shiree Verdone
Campaign Manager
McCain 2010

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