Friday, March 05, 2010

Senator John McCain receives National Taxpayers Union (NTU) 2009 “Taxpayers’ Friend Award”

March 04, 2010

Today, Senator John McCain received the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) 2009 “Taxpayers' Friend Award”.

The National Taxpayers Union is made up of 362,000 members, over 8,000 of which reside here in Arizona. The award is based on 227 roll call votes in the United States Senate.
Senator McCain scored a 93% placing him 3rd out of the 97 Senators that received a rating.

You can see the letter here.

Mccain Ntu


Unknown said...

Go McCain! He's the real fiscal responsibility hero! Everyone knows that when JD was in office he was all for big spending. JD just needs to quit already!

Andra said...

John McCain has the respectable endorsments because he is the better choice. McCain is not only in Washington fighting against this extreme liberal administration, but he has the history of standing strong for what he believes in. McCain is the one to continue on with this position.

Republican said...

It is actually embarassing that JD cannot come up with any decent endorsments. It is a strong signal to the people of Arizona that if JD and John's Washington peers are backing McCain, we need to as well. JD has a very poor history from his morals and ethics to his legal issues. McCain is the strongest candidate.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

JD talks like a big conservative, but he's not. He was one of the biggest spenders when he was in office. McCain receiving this award speaks volumes!