A standing room only crowd of over 2,500 supporters (and hundreds watching the LIVE Internet Feed) met Senator John McCain & Governor Sarah Palin this morning at Dobson High School in Mesa, AZ!
Cindy McCain Introduced Governor Sarah Palin!
Governor Sarah Palin: "John McCain is a True American Hero! It's an honor to stand beside him & I ask you to send him back to the Senate!"
Senator John McCain: "We will Repeal & Replace this Obama Care Bill! The American people will be heard!" "It is NOT constitutional to force Americans to buy ANY product!"
Congressman John Shadegg: "Let's send Ann Kirkpatrick, Harry Mitchell, & Gabby Giffords back to Arizona in November!"
Congressman Jeff Flake: "With Senator John McCain's help, 2 weeks ago, the US House Republicans stopped Earmarks for the rest of 2010!"
We will post video once its' available!
I make up my mind in this race. It'd be funnier if McCain lost this race, especially because then I can say Palin cost McCain an election twice...
...but J.D. winning would be genuinely bad for Arizona, so...
I don't know if my schadenfreude for you would be worth JD in the Senate.
Decisions, decisions!
Fortunately Mr. Klute you won't be voting in the GOP Primary. Please, Please I beg you, root for JD Horseworth! Make my Day!
BTW, have you seen the internal polls? I have...LMFAO!
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