Contact: Brian Rogers
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
(602) 604-2010
PHOENIX, AZ – U.S. Senator John McCain's re-election campaign today announced that the campaign has raised more than $2.2 million in the first three months of 2010 and will report $4.5 million cash on-hand in its 1st Quarter Federal Election Commission (FEC) report, closing today, Wednesday, March 31, 2010.
John McCain 2010 campaign Communications Director Brian Rogers released the following statement on Senator McCain’s 1st Quarter fundraising figures:
"Senator McCain's strong backing from thousands of Arizonans clearly shows the growing support for his bold leadership in standing and fighting the Democrats' misguided liberal agenda
in Washington. We are in a strong position today, and Senator McCain continues to work hard to earn Arizonans' continued trust and support.
"Congressman Hayworth's level of support is surprisingly weak, given that he's been in this race unofficially for 16 months and spent 12 years as a Congressman in Washington. The fact that he hasn't released his cash on-hand number also suggests that he's quickly burning through whatever he raises in a failing attempt gain press attention and traction."
Congressman Hayworth's inability to garner significant support here in Arizona is a direct result of the fact that he's already been thrown out of office in a solidly Republican House district because of his big-spending record of earmarks and pork barrel spending. Arizona Republicans understand that we need a leader who will fight the corrupt big spenders in Washington, not join them."
More important, Congressman Hayworth has pledged that at the same time he files his 1st Quarter FEC report, he will come forward with the names of all donors to his FIT Trust, the trust he set up to pay off the hundreds of thousands of dollars he owes his lawyers for his involvement with convicted felon Jack Abramoff. It's now been more than a month since the McCain campaign first requested that Congressman Hayworth come clean and reveal the donors to his Secret Abramoff Trust Fund.
The question remains: Will Congressman Hayworth live up to his word and release this information?”

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