IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:Senator John McCain Discusses Healthcare Legislation On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity”
“I think we can go to court, I think that there are real constitutional challenges. I think we can put pressure on. We can make it clear that people who voted in favor of this legislation, that their time is limited.” – Sen. John McCain on Fox News Channel Yesterday
Sen. John McCain On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity”March 23, 2010
Sen. McCain Criticizes “Sweetheart Deals” That Were Used To “Buy Votes” For The Healthcare Bill:
FOX NEWS CHANNEL’S SEAN HANNITY: “Harry Reid has an 8% favorable rating, Nancy Pelosi 11. Congress – 64% disapprove of Congress. So clearly people in this country have picked up the process is corrupt and tainted.”
SEN. JOHN MCCAIN: “Yeah, yes, absolutely. I mean, how else could you leave out tort reform and how could you include these special sweetheart deals that basically buy votes? But you know Sean, one thing is – you mentioned being here in Washington – on Saturday I was in Arizona. I had two town hall meetings – one up in Prescott, one in the East Valley of Phoenix. And the anger, and the outrage, people driving by saying ‘don't let us take our health care.’ And then you come back here to our nation's capital, there’s celebration, they’re having champagne toasts. And the disconnect between the American citizen and Washington, D.C. and the Democrats and this president is the most stark contrast I've seen in the years I've been able to serve.” Sen. McCain: We Should Put Pressure On Members Of Congress Who Voted For The Healthcare Bill:
HANNITY: “You are saying then to the American people, the only way to stop this – if I’m interpreting what you’re saying correctly – is to defeat the Democrats in November and then the president, make him a one-term president. That's the only way you see out of this?”
SEN. MCCAIN: “I think we can go to court, I think that there are real constitutional challenges. I think we can put pressure on. We can make it clear that people who voted in favor of this legislation, that their time is limited. But yes, then the people will decide next November. And we Republicans have to continue to point out that it’s not a choice between Obamacare and nothing. We had many proposals to really bring down cost, to really fix a broken system that costs are out of control. But not take over – have a government take over the health care system.”

I agree with McCain. I have read the 10 bipartisan agreed upon issues that could have been a less expensive adjustment to cost of and flexibility of the programs. This administration is stuck on this like it is a game, they want to stamp big government on it and say, 'yay democrats' Sadly for them, this will hurt their party. McCain, and others alongside of him, will continue to fight against this takeover.
With this administration, we are in desperate need of more men and women standing strong to help support McCain. McCain is the strong voice of integrity and experience that is leading the fight against this big government takeover. McCain has been a strong voice against this from day one and I will continue supporting him in this upcoming election and his fight against bloated bureaucracy and govt spending.
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