Monday, February 01, 2010

Public Opinion Strategies Poll - JOHN McCAIN 59% - JD HAYWORTH 30%!

The latest poll from "Public Opinion Strategies" shows Senator JOHN McCAIN with a 29 point lead over J.D. Hayworth. Here is the poll:

Public Opinion Strategies Poll


Unknown said...

I'm really suprised JD hasn't given up already. I guess it just further proves the fact that he was voted the dumbest member of Congress...

Unknown said...

There's a reason why McCain is ahead in the polls and in fundraising - because he demonstrates true conservative values and has been standing up for fiscal responsibility for decades.

Unknown said...

Heckkkk yeah! See McCain's got this. I, too, am surprised JD hasn't run away scared yet xp MCCAIN STANDS UP for what he believes in and the voters see it FINALLY . vote mccain 2010!

Republican said...

McCain 59% JD 30% This is what we LOVE to see! GO McCain! His fiscal responsibility to our Country and the ability to stand up for what he believes in!!

JennsR said...

These polls know the mistake the USA made in electing Obama instead of McCain...that same mistake will not happen again! McCain has way too many positive contributions to AZ and the US. Please, JD represents illegal activity, drinkin days, and big spending...NOT what any of us want. LOVE THESE POLLS!

Tony GOPrano said...

Now that Hayworth has 'declared', it will be interesting to see how he has paid for the robo-calls he has made? How much $$$ he has spent with Jason Rose?

No more hiding JD! GAME ON! GO McCAIN 2010!!!