Friday, January 29, 2010

Get Real Mr. Obama

Get Real, Mr. Obama

By Floyd Brown, Expose Obama

The most annoying part of listening to a speech by the narcissist-in-chief is the number of times he refers to himself.

"I've got a very short commute;"

"I can't always visit people directly;"

"I break out;"

"I saw;"

"I knew it would be unpopular;"

"I ran for this office;"

"I had no illusions;"

"I had a whole bunch of political advisors."

The latest State of the Union is no exception. Maybe because his world is so centered on the bubble that surrounds himself, he is incapable of understanding the frustration Americans have about his plans to remake the country.

Clearly, he is not hearing the message to back off. Instead, he is doubling down. Calling with renewed vigor for a litany of unpopular policies, he declared in a condescending tone, "I don't quit."

Obama spent an inane amount of time talking about job creation.

His problem is, he doesn't understand how jobs are created. His left-wing fantasies on how to create jobs have had the opposite impact. For example; his plan to sock banks with new taxes as they struggle to recover.

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