Wednesday, January 27, 2010

An explanation to the nation By Michael Steele

As President Barack Obama steps up to the podium Wednesday night to deliver his State of the Union address, the American people will be intently listening for an explanation to the past year of failed policies.

This president was elected to change business as usual in Washington and reach across party lines to find real solutions to improve our economy.
But as we sit here today, Democrats in Congress continue their secret backroom deals, unemployment is in double digits, and all of the president’s major policy initiatives have failed to gain much, if any, bipartisan support. This is a far cry from what we were promised a year ago and the American people need answers.

Taxpayers deserve to know why the president’s $787 billion stimulus package failed to keep unemployment below 8 percent. We deserve to know why his government takeover of health care stalled somewhere between the House and the Senate, if according to President Obama, the American people support it. And most of all, our country deserves to know why President Obama has wasted a year without working to find real solutions to create jobs and put Americans back to work. Tonight our nation deserves a genuine explanation, and we need to know how the president is planning to fix this mess his policies have made worse.

When President Obama isn’t busy explaining away his failures, he will do his best to convince middle class America that he understands their frustrations and stands by their side. The president will both encourage a spending freeze while calling on Congress to pass an $80 billion job creation bill – here’s to hoping the American people aren’t watching too closely to note the blatant hypocrisy.
Since day one, President Obama has single-mindedly pushed an all out binge spending agenda that has brought disastrous consequences to not only himself and the Democrat Party, but
to our entire country. Just this week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office announced the U.S. budget deficit for the current fiscal year will reach $1.3 trillion.
At a time when millions of Americans are desperately struggling to live within their means and survive this economic recession it would make sense for Washington to follow suit but President Obama has taken the exact opposite track over the past year.

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