Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Dear Member,

The excitement of the Scott Brown campaign has barely begun to wear off but we are already back at work on my campaign for State Representative. I met with Rachel Miselman, my campaign manager to take a look at the numbers from the 19th in my district. We have our work cut out for us but the entire team is excited about the race.There was an article about my campaign at http://www.facebook.com/l/ac018;RedMassGroup.com.


We are in the process of ordering another 10,000 fliers and I and our volunteers will be fanning out across the Eighth Suffolk District over the coming days and weeks, knocking on doors and talking about my campaign to bring fiscal responsibility and transparency back to state government and jobs and lower taxes to the people of Massachusetts.

We will be launching our nomination signature drive on February 13th. If you are in the greater Boston area and can help out, please e-mail Rachel at rmiselman@bradmarston.com.

You can also go to http://www.facebook.com/l/ac018;bradmarston.ning.com/page/volunteer-1to sign up to volunteer. There are plenty of things you can do both online and off so if you can help out even from a distance I would greatly appreciate it.

Please head over to http://www.facebook.com/l/ac018;BradMarston.com and join the website and invite your friends to do so as well and invite them to join this group too!

Our web presence continues to grow as we have nearly 1200 members here and over 2000 followers at http://www.facebook.com/l/ac018;twitter.com/BradMarston so if you’re not following the campaign on Twitter join us! Our YouTube channel

http://www.facebook.com/l/ac018;www.youtube.com/user/Marston2010 has over 1800 views so check it out and subscribe to get updates when we post new videos and web ads.

Well this is already longer than I wanted it to be so thank you so much for your support and interest in our campaign. Let’s keep working to get government in Massachusetts and around the country working for the people.

Best wishes,

Brad Marston

PS… Here are three links that might be of interest.

Discussing the Scott Brown Campaign


Interview at the Brown Victory party


Some perspective on the campaign from the very beginning


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