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If they beat us in the Senate, we will fight them in conference. If they beat us in conference, we will fight them in the House. If they beat us in the House over healthcare, we will fight them over cap and trade.
We will fight them over immigration and amnesty. We will fight them over the deficit. We will fight them over the debt. And we will fight them in 2010.
We will fight them in the House. We will fight them for Senate seats in Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, and Arkansas. We will fight them in Colorado and North Dakota and California and Washington State. We will fight them in Illinois and in New Jersey. We will never, never, never, never give up! Our country is at stake! All our defeats do is to teach us the futility of appealing to moderate Democrats and the necessity - the dire necessity - of replacing them with committed Republicans.
There is no such thing as a moderate Democrat in Congress. There are simply those whose votes the leadership does not need in order to promote its socialist agenda. We will not place our faith in the Nelsons or the Lincolns or the Liebermans or the Landrieus of the Senate. Nor in the Blue Dogs of the House. All we do when we depend on them is to permit them to raise their price and up the ante for their vote.
We will place our faith only in the Republicans who oppose them and who will bring the collective insanity which has gripped Washington to an end.
But we will continue to fight each battle in Congress because it is only by blunting Obama's momentum and by demonstrating to the voters of America how their Democratic members of Congress are only automatic votes for socialism that we have a chance to triumph
in 2010. And triumph we will.
We can only hope that there is still a country to take back!
Stay with us! Help us! Fight with us!
Go to DickMorris.com to read all of Dick's columns!
1 comment:
If we have 60% against this bill now, we will have 75% by the 2010 elections.
We need to send a loud and clear message to this administration and Congress. We need to stand against this Socialist overthrow of our beloved country.
We need to replace those that have sided with any of these bills,regardless of party.
We need to take back America for the people, and do so by the people.
We will continue the fight, we will continue to stand fast in the face of adversity and perceived futility, and we will win in November of 2010.
Then we can reverse this unconstitutional nonsense.
How can Congress dare to put a condition on citizenship, such as mandatory health care/ fine and jail, yet seek to increase illegal immigration for their own gain?
We need more than just the TEA party movement merging with the Republican Party. We need Americans to stand up against this treason being perpetrated in Washington, DC.
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