My Friend,
Last night, I introduced the first Republican amendment to the Democrats' massive health care bill aimed at overhauling our Americans receive health care. My amendment will send the bill back to the Finance Committee to force Democrats to pay for the bill without cutting Medicare coverage for our seniors.
I urge you to immediately send a message to Congress by adding your name as a supporter to this amendment so that we can prevent Medicare cuts and government rationing of health care.
The Democrats bill as it is written would gut Medicare as we know it, and that's just not right.
The Democrats call this bill "deficit-neutral," but they are using Bernie Madoff, Enron-style accounting to pay for their takeover of health care. Buried in this 2,000-page legislative monstrosity is a half-a- trillion dollars in "unspecified" cuts to Medicare that will directly affect our seniors and result in a tax increase for hard-working Americans.
My friend, Congressional Democrats are spending at an unprecedented rate. Our country now has the highest deficit in history and the Democrats want to pass an additional $2.5 trillion in spending for their government-run health care plan. If we do not continue to fight, this bill will pass and put much of the cost of "health care reform" on the backs of our senior citizens.
Your involvement in this fight is urgently needed. While President Obama has held hundreds of meetings behind closed doors with health care lobbyists and special interests, he has not included one Republican in these meetings that have resulted in a bill that will destroy the quality and availability of our health care system.
The more we read what this legislation will do, the more outraged we become. Democrats are counting on Americans to go unaware of the details of this legislation, but they cannot ignore the voices of millions of Americans across the country opposed to their flawed legislation.
Today, I'm asking for your help.
Will you support my amendment today by following this link and adding your name as an online "co-sponsor?"
My friend, our fight is long from over -- in fact its just beginning. We must continue to make our voices heard. We cannot afford a multi- trillion dollar price tag to implement a government program that will destroy the free marketplace and remove the ability of millions of Americans to choose their own health care provider and insurer. The men and women who have attended the town halls and signed petitions want real reform; not just another government take-over of health care.
Please join the fight against the Democrats' health care bill by following this link to support the Republicans' first amendment to this bill preventing cuts to Medicare.
Thank you,

P.S. Don't allow the Democrats to pay for their government takeover of health care with cuts to Medicare for our seniors and tax increases on hard-working Americans. Please send a message to your Senator today by following this link to add your name to the list of supporters for my health care bill amendment. Thank you.

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