Obama's Strategy for Defeat in Afghanistan
By Floyd Brown, Expose Obama
Tuesday night before an audience of Cadets at West Point, the Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, displayed his gross ignorance of strategic affairs and inexperience with military affairs. In a speech in which Americans were eager to hear a plan for victory, Obama instead laid the seeds of defeat without honor.
His lack of insight was on display for the world to see.
He was there to announce his new strategy developed over his last three months of dithering and indecision on the future of Afghanistan.
Clearly this is the biggest decision of his term so far. He had to choose between the recommendation of his commanding General on the ground, Stanley McChrystal, or options developed by the feckless doves who control the White House.
He chose the latter.
In so doing, he ended hope of American success and doomed thousands of young soldiers to death far from home in a quagmire he has exacerbated. Obama, obsessed with pleasing and
looking good to liberals, is desperate for an "end game."
He wants to "get in there quickly" and transfer responsibility for security to the Afghan military as rapidly as possible. Obama aims to begin winding down troop numbers as early as July 2011, regardless of military realities.
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1 comment:
Tom says: "I want to believe in this president. He is the chief executive I worked harder to elect than any other in my lifetime. I realize that it is simply far too early in this administration to write a final assessment of his term of office. That being said, my confidence in the Obama White House is ebbing rapidly. Where in the hell is all of this change I could believe in? Is the Bush Mob still in charge? What gives?"
How can the Bush Mob still be incharge? You liberals won the 2008 election, YOU run everything!
This is what we get for electing a President with zero experience in ANYTHING! All of us who worked to get John McCain eleceted as POTUS knew that Obama was an absolute disaster and would be as President.
Despite the Obamanation, I have faith in our brave members of our Military Services. They will win in Afghanistan & Iraq and will bring freedom to these regions of the world.
John McCain would have been one of the greatest Presidents we ever had. Too bad the far right wackos destroyed him; now we have Obama thanks to them. I hope they are enjoying all of this?
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