Duck-and-Run Obama
By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, Expose Obama
President Obama's athletic prowess is becoming a real advantage in office as he recently has taken the duck-and -run approach to the media. Instead of defending himself in front of the open microphone, he is dispatching his cronies to defend his policy positions. Our commander-in-chief isn't living up to his campaign promise of presidential access and transparency.
Obama hasn't held a formal press conference since July 22. At that event he infamously gaffed that Cambridge Police had acted stupidly when confronting Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. at his home.
Since that time, Obama has avoided off-the-cuff question and answer sessions, preferring to rely on his teleprompter for scripted remarks. On his recent trip to Asia, Obama limited questions at his joint press conferences to one each from a U.S. reporter and a foreign journalist.
At his "joint press statement" with Chinese President Hu Jintao, no questions were allowed. This is all shocking given the hyperbole that was spewed during the campaign from the media, who referred to Obama as the "Great Communicator."
While the press were admiring Obama's rhetorical skills, behind the scenes, handlers were scripting all events and carefully controlling the message.
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