Saturday, November 21, 2009

Senate to vote on health care bill tonight

Tonight at 8:00pm, the United States Senate will have its first vote on the Democrats' health care reform bill. As my colleagues and I in the Senate prepare for this vote I am reaching out to you for support.

I remain committed to opposing any bill that puts your health care decisions in the hands of government bureaucrats while adding more than a trillion dollars to our country's deficit. Taxpayers simply cannot afford this government takeover of our health care system and this is our opportunity to put an end to it.

That's why I urge you to add your name to this petition showing your opposition to government-run health care.

We still have an opportunity to stop the Democrats' public option from becoming law, but I need to know you stand with us in opposition to a government takeover of health care - so, please sign this petition immediately. The wasteful spending ways of Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress must be put to an end. Americans are angry and I share your frustration with our current leadership in Washington.

In less than one year, Barack Obama and the Dem ocrat-controlled Congress have increased our nation's spending by more than 80%. Our national debt has reached $9 trillion and will only go higher if the President signs a health care bill with provisions for a government-run option.

Last month, unemployment surpassed 10%, the highest rate in over 20 years

Recent polls show clearly that Americans are against the health care takeover by Barack Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress. And these same polls show that Americans understand and are infuriated by policies that are mortgaging our children's and grandchildren's future.

It must be stopped. We must act now to show our continued opposition to the direction the Democratic leadership is taking our country.

So, please join me by taking action today and follow this link to add your name to our petition opposing government-run health care. Your time and support are always appreciated.

Thank you,

John McCain

P.S. As the Senate prepares to vote on the Democrats' health care bill tomorrow night, I'm reaching out to you for support in opposition of government-run health care. Please take a minute to sign the petition we have put together showing your opposition to government-run health care. After signing, I ask that you make a generous donation of any amount to support my reelection campaign, so I can continue serving as a voice for you in Washington. Thank you.

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