Saturday, October 03, 2009

Your Weekly GOP Trunk: Troubling Trends

Issue 30; October 2, 2009

Welcome to The Weekly Trunk – The Republican National Committee’s weekly email update on all the latest news and political happenings. The goal of The Weekly Trunk is to inform and arm you with the facts you need to spread our conservative message and refute the misstatements of the Democrats.

This week’s issue features…

Definition of “Tax”

Watch the RNC’s new web video, “Dictionary” on President Obama’s costly new health care taxes to pay for his government-run health care experiment.

Improving Health Care?

The Democrats’ government-run health care experiment would impose a punitive tax on medical device makers, stopping medical innovation in its tracks. (Op-Ed, “Thoughtless Tax Undermines Reform,” The Washington Times, 9/29/09)

The Tipping Point

Americans are waking up to President Obama’s big-government policies. (Scott S. Powell and Robert J. Herbold, “Tipping Point On Distrust,” The Washington Times, 9/29/09)

Mad as Hell

Seniors are letting Democrats know they oppose cutting Medicare to pay for government-run health care. (Susan Ferrechio, “Democrats Unable To Quell Health Care Revolt Among Seniors,” The Washington Examiner, 9/29/09)

Making States Pick Up the Tab

To help pay for the Democrats’ health care experiment, Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) would impose a Medicaid unfunded mandate on states that would “explode” state budgets. (Op-Ed, “Max’s Mad Mandate,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/27/09)

Off Limits

Democrats’ close relationship with trial lawyers prevents them from considering reforming medical malpractice laws that allow costly and frivolous lawsuits. (Philip K. Howard, “Why Medical Malpractice Is Off Limits,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/29/09)

Where Will It Stop? Nobody Knows

Support for President Obama’s and Congressional Democrats’ government-run health care experiment has hit a new low with the American public. (“Support for Health Care Plan Hits New Low,” Rasmussen Reports, 9/28/09)

Escaping Government-Run Health Care

Canadians continue to make trips into America to escape the perils of Canada’s government-run health care disaster. (Op-Ed, “Escape to Montana,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/29/09)

Falsehoods and Half-Truths

Don’t believe everything you hear about President Obama’s government-run health care experiment. (Stuart Taylor Jr., “Health Reform And Truth-Telling,” National Journal, 9/26/09)

What’s the Rush

Voters want Congress to actually read legislation before they cast a vote. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t. (John Fund, “Congress Needs A 72-Hour Waiting Period,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/26/09)

Dirty Deeds in VA

As polls show GOP candidate Bob McDonnell expanding his lead over Democrat Creigh Deeds in the 2009 Virginia gubernatorial, the Deeds campaign is running an ugly negative campaign. (Editorial, “Dirty Deeds,” The Washington Times, 9/30/09)

Be sure to watch Sen. Johnny Isakson’s (R-GA) new Weekly Republican Response video message

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