Friday, October 02, 2009

Senators Plot To Pass ObamaCare In Dark of Night

The word is out... the game is played... the man behind the curtain has been exposed... and it's now as plain as the nose on your face.
Obama and the leftists in Congress don't want you to know what's in ObamaCare... they just made it clear that they just may try to hide all the sordid details from you.
But what's even worse, Obama and the leftists in Congress may even be trying to muzzle, and intimidate, those who dare to speak out against ObamaCare.
It's becoming more and more apparent that Obama and the leftists in Congress don’t want the American people to know... or read... or hear anything negative about ObamaCare... and that they may be willing to shut-down debate by any means necessary.
One thing is certain, Obama and the leftists in Congress are leaving the door wide open to enact ObamaCare in the dead of night... under the cover of darkness... shove it down our throats before any of us are any the wiser.
When Senator Jim Bunning offered an amendment that would have required that the language of the bill be made available to the American people 72 hours prior to a vote, Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee squashed it.
Michael Franc, writing for the Heritage Foundation’s blog, The Foundry gives us the sordid and sickening details:
“During the Senate Finance Committee mark up of the
Baucus health bill … Senator Bunning of Kentucky put forth an innovative amendment. This amendment stipulated that before voting on the measure in Committee, legislative language would have to be accessible to the public for 72 hours and that the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) would need to publish an official tally of how much this bill will cost the American people
and what the real impact will be on health costs."

Franc continued: “The amendment failed 11-12 on nearly a party line vote. Senator Blanche Lincoln (AR) was the sole Democrat to support this attempt at transparency.
The bottom line:
when the committee completes its work on this re-make of one-sixth of our economy, Senators will have voted
on a phantom - a bill that does not exist with costs that are unknowable until, that is, the unelected legislative draftsmen write the real bill in some back room on Capitol Hill.”
If nothing else that has transpired up to this point has convinced you that ObamaCare must be rejected... thrown aside... taken off the table... these shenanigans should.
It's time to tell our elected officials that no good can come from ObamaCare... that's it's rotten to the core... and that it must be scrapped.

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