Friday, October 09, 2009


Like many of you, I woke up early this morning to check e-mails and the news. Turn on the TV and I couldn't beleive what I was seeing....

Barack Hussein Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?

I did a double take, thought I was dreaming, then got online to see the story pasted all over the Internet!

How can this CLOWN, only President for 12 DAYS WHEN HE WAS NOMINATED FOR THIS PRIZE, win the Nobel Peace Prize? WTF had he done? He hadn't even started his "World Apology Tour 2009" yet.

How pathetic is this? Getting an award for doing NOTHING but getting elected President? This is a SHAME! The Obamanation should be ashamed but of course, he plays it up for all it's worth. What an embarassment for America!

Here are some of the stories on this topic from the Internet:

Breaking News: Barack Obama named Miss America!!!!

Blog post link:Rush Limbaugh on the Nobel Peace Prize..

Excerpt Below:

Conservatives pounced on the the Nobel Prize committee's decision to award President Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, with talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh calling it a "greater embarrassment" than losing the Olympics."

This fully exposes the illusion that is Barack Obama," Limbaugh told POLITICO in an e-mail.

"And with this 'award' the elites of the world are urging Obama, THE MAN OF PEACE, to not do the surge in Afghanistan, not take action against Iran and its nuclear program and to basically continue his intentions to emasculate the United States."Limbaugh continued: "They love a weakened, neutered U.S and this is their way of promoting that concept. I think God has a great sense of humor, too."

He Won, But for What? - Jennifer Loven, Associated Press
It came a week late, but President Obama did win the gold. Last Friday, the International Olympic Committee stiffed him. Today he won the Nobel Peace ...

Absurd Decision Makes Mockery of Nobel Prize - Michael Binyon, The Times
The award of this year’s Nobel peace prize to President Obama will be met with widespread incredulity, consternation in many capitals and probab...

Obama's Nobel Farce - Peter Beinart, The Daily Beast
George W. Bush launched a “preemptive” war. Now the Nobel Committee is trying for “preemptive” peace. I had always thought the...

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